We have quilting cotton on the right-hand set of shelves, and crazy quilting and clothes fabric on the left-hand set of shelves. I also have some BOLTS (yes, bolts... what was I thinking???) of fabric in the bottom of the cutting table. I've found fabric everywhere... in bins, in drawers, in boxes, in bags, and in closets. I'm sure I've missed some, but I'm not done yet. The original plan was to put my fabric in the top portion and books in the bottom portion. Heh... not so much. I forsee some more bookshelf shopping in my future! I also need a better system for storing my CQ fabric... those green bins don't show the color very well and they are not in a place that would facilitate inspiration. I have some thinking to do on that point.
This reorganization and shuffling has pretty much taken over the house (and our lives). Furniture is being moved to better locations, dog beds are being thinned out, clothing is being donated and discussions are being had about a new (king-size!!) bed. We bought a huge wooden dining table (off eBay... for $21.17...!!!!) for the patio so we have a true entertaining space out there. This has meant cleaning and organization occuring outside, too. It seems a bit like we are constantly doing this, but my goal is to actually fit into this house. Nothing extra smooshed under beds, no overflowing closets with clothes we might wear sometime, no sheds full of boxes, no plastic bins stacked in corners, no piles of picture frames we might use someday and no old boxes of old papers we don't need anymore. So there!!! :0)
Anywhoooo... that's what I have been doing instead of stitching... a picture of my stash is the sum total of anything even resembling fiber content in this post. A few more days of concentration should have things back to semi-normal around here; although, semi-normal is about as close to normal as we get! Then I'll be able to think clearly and concentrate on the task in front of me... embroidering my CQ. I'm so looking forward to that!