Scary, huh??? Quilting supplies, an ancient lambswool comforter, a wooden sleigh, mountains of fabric, books and a stack of old bundt pans all jumbled together. All the things I don't want to get rid of but don't quite go with the "soft modern" theme I have going in the rest of the house have ended up here. In my move to simplify and declutter my home to make it a serene and restful place, there are some bits of my collections I can't bear to part with. Many of the bits will end up on display in this room, since this is where the country cottage part of my heart will rest. I hope you'll stick around to see the transformation!
I have made a small dent in the mess... I started putting books up, cookbooks on the left and craft and gardening books on the right and boxes of crazy quilting fabric on the top of the shelves...
However, I found more boxes of gardening books so now I need to move some of the cookbooks in the general direction of the kitchen. I think we're gonna need more bookshelves!
I did manage to find the floor! I went in this morning to move some stuff around and when I turned around I found Miss Priss all curled up on the floor, sound asleep. She likes this room because the dogs don't come in here too much.
Unfortunately I haven't yet found the box containing my 100 Details blocks. Frustrating, that. I put them in a smallish box all by themselves, along with all the threads, buttons and beads to go with it... and now I can't find it! Argghhh! I'm starting to have withdrawals... it's been three weeks since I stitched and that's way too long! I did find these though.
Just before we moved I got these off of eBay. It's an old box of #3 perle cotton in a wide array of colors. It smelled just a tad "old" when I got them but exposure to air has dissapated the smell, thankfully. Lots of purty colors for CQ!!