Sunday, September 10, 2006

Seam Treatment Progress

I finally took some time and sat down today to work diligently on the seam treatments on the Ringbearer's Pillow. I had one nearly completed so I just added beads to finish it up.
Seam A
This doesn't really follow any of Sharon's 100 Details in 100 Days but it does incorporate two of her favorite stitches, the straight stitch and the lazy daisy stitch (edited to say that those aren't straight stitches---ahem---those are buttonhole stitches worked on top of each other. What can I say... it was a long weekend and I was tired!). It was really an easy seam treatment and an exercise in seeing how well the tan thread dulled down the bright yellow.

This is a takeoff of Sharon's Day 79, backstitching thru the lace and finishing it up with lazy daisy stitches.
Seam C
Working with lace along a seam is great fun... so much can be done in so many ways! As I look at it now; however, I think I may need to add something along the lower edge. It looks a bit naked!

This seam treatment uses Annie Whitsed's idea of using the leftover long bits of thread from the other seam treatments to make French knots along a seam. This is a nice fat group of knots...
Seam B
I had to restrain myself from doing more "thread doodling" along this seam. That's one reason I think Sharon's Joggles class on Personal Library of Stitchs is going to be so fun and challenging... lots of room to play!

Moving in and getting settled still continues. Some of my boxes of "stuff" have been packed up since 1999, when we moved from Louisiana to Colorado! We've decided that every box will be unpacked and decisions made about the contents. I've already unpacked several sets of dishes of varying sizes, taken digital pictures to be saved to CD, and repacked them so they can be stored for our boys. As much as I love the old family china (Mason's Pink Vista and Mason's Oak) and the set I fell in love with in an antiques store (Wedgwood Ferrara), I don't have room to display it or even store it. So... it's packed up awaiting the day when the kids have a desire for it and room to put it.

All for now... I think I'm back to where I can safely say I'll be stitching a bit every night and I'll be able to post more often. Talk to you later!!

1 comment:

allie aller said...

These are clean and fresh looking, Marty!